Sunday, May 25, 2008


Hi Readers,
I wonder, if like my family, you plan on staying home this summer and not taking a vacation trip? Even if I could afford to pay for the price of gas, I wouldn't take a trip this summer because I refuse to line the pockets of the oil companies even more than they are already lined. Billions of dollars in profits and still their greed isn't satisfied. How much does it take to make them happy? When does the increase in the price of gas stop? I think NEVER!!! I think the oil companies have always made damned sure they make heavy profits, but now they are just worse in their hunger for money. They don't care that they are breaking middle class Americans. They don't care that people can't afford to buy gas to go to work in order to buy gas. It's to the point that now you must choose if you eat or drive. And what is our government doing about it? Not one damned thing!! Oh yes, they make noises, they kiss ass, but do they pass laws to stop the greed? Do they put a freeze on the high price of gas? Did they increase wages to compensate the high price of gas? Hell no!!! And they aren't going to do any of these things...Oh, but lets keep shipping funds to other countries who hates us until there's nothing left...and why is the price of gas so high in America and less than a dollar a gallon in the Arabic Nations? I'm considering a horse and buggy, a moped, a bicycle, anything to keep from making the oil companies richer. It's time to revolt!!! I vote down with high prices for fuel. Any comments???....Tabs

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